We love Lavender for it's relaxing aroma, but Lavender is also known to help with anxiety and soothe the nervous system.
Try this Lavender soda recipe for a cool relaxing drink! It's definitely on...
We all love a cup of bubbly goodness made in the convenience of your own home, and not to mention the cost + environmental savings over the long run. But we're working with compressed air here, so ...
Who doesn't love a good lemonade? What's more, making it yourself is 10x better than buying it from the store. Especially when you make your own sparkling water at home, get your CO2 refills here!...
Bottled water has been getting a bad rap lately with pictures of oceans and beaches littered with empty plastic bottles. But how bad is bottled water really?
The Costs
We're all about saving money,...
A common but important question! Everyone is aware of the harmful effects of drinking soda, or soft drinks that contain sugar or sugar substitutes. However, less is mentioned about their bubbly alt...